Who can I trust?

Jeremiah 17:7 – But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.
I remember when my daughter was about two years old and she started learning how to jump off the couch. I would reach my hands out to catch her. At first she was so hesitant to jump into my arms because She hadn’t built that trust yet. I would continue reminding her that I was going to catch her. I’d tell her to focus on me and promised to catch her. The more she jumped the more trusting she’d become, knowing I’d be there to catch her. One day I was in the kitchen and I saw her getting ready to jump from the couch and because she had built up so much trust that I’d catch her, she jumped. I darted from the kitchen into the living room in a flash like the super hero I am, and caught her just in time. It hit me in that moment that, there is going to be a day that I may fail my daughter and not be there to catch her.
The truth is people are going to let us down. My daughter is older now, so she has perfected jumping off the couch and landing on her own. As much as I promised my daughter I would catch her, I know there will come a day that I may not be there to catch her. Sometimes things happen in life that cause us to lose our trust in people. It may be a friendship that was broken due to gossip. It may be a relationship where someone was unfaithful. It could be a parent who is constantly making a promise to be there, but never shows up.
In Deuteronomy, The people of Israel were getting ready to go into the promised land. Moses knew his time with them was over. The people had grown to trust him. Moses knew that he may have been letting some of them down but he reminded them of the one solid truth, God will “Never leave you or forsake you.”
God wants us to solely trust in him. The same way I told my daughter to focus on me so that I could gain her trust, God is asking us. To keep our hearts and eyes focused on him. We can trust him because he is the only one who is perfect and will never let us down.